Get Support | Difficulty Concentrating

Are you finding it impossible to stay focused? A loss of focus is among the common symptoms women often experience during menopausal transition. Hormonal changes, sleep problems, mood swings, as well as the natural aging process can also play a role, making it difficult to concentrate.

Find relief

Applying these lifestyle changes can help alleviate issues with difficulty concentrating:

• Establish a daily routine to help prioritize tasks and organize your day
• Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or meditation to reduce stress levels and improve focus and concentration
• Prioritize sleep, aiming for 7–9 hours per night
• Exercise regularly, engaging in exercises and activities that boost circulation and oxygen flow to the brain, including swimming, brisk walking and dancing
• Stay hydrated
• Limit distractions in your daily environment
• Engage in activities that are mentally stimulating such as reading, learning new skills or socializing